5900 Clarendon Drive
Plano, TX 75093
There was a RALLY on Labor Day at the Avignon Pool from 12-2PM on Labor Day. We are hoping for press coverage! So come and mingle for an hour or two and eat lunch! We will also have sno-cones, soft drinks and popcorn. If you would like to help spread the message, windshield markers will be available to draw on your windshield. Wouldn’t it be awesome for the City to see a bunch of cars on Plano roads saying “stop Haggard Farms?” The paint is used for this purpose only and will not harm your window or paint. It would be great to have the parking lot at City Hall on September 2 full with cars that all object to the new zoning request. You can remove it with soap and water after the Sept 2nd Planning and Zoning meeting. No heavy duty commitment….It also helps get the word out to other Plano residents that are unfamiliar with the issue.
Lets employ some creativity to get the word out!!!
Talk to you neighbors and get them fired up.
See the pictures at left of the standing room only crowd at the P&Z meeting. Thanks for turning out - it truly made a difference.
Here is the Channel 4 news story
At the "Re-Zoning Request and Objections" page listen to the reaction of the commissioners to the request. Also posted is a link to view the whole September 2 P&Z meeting online.
Where: Avignon Pavilion
Date: Labor Day September 1
Time: 12-2
Lunch served.
Sno Cones, soft drinks and popcorn also provided.
Get a Say No!! drink cup to take home.
Kids and pets welcome
Get pumped up for the Sep. 2nd P&Z meeting!
Copyright 2014 Stop Haggard Farms West Rezoning. All rights reserved.
5900 Clarendon Drive
Plano, TX 75093